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Previous Editions: WAISE 2019

​Second International Workshop on

Artificial Intelligence

Safety Engineering 

Turku, Finland

Sept 10th, 2019




Registration and welcome to WAISE 2019, Organisation Committee



Safety Assurance of Autonomous Systems – bridging the gap between research and industry, Prof. Mario  Trapp


Poster Pitching (3 *3 minutes)

Three Reasons Why: Framing the Challenges of Assuring AI, Xinwei Fang and Nikita Johnson

Tackling Uncertainty in Safety Assurance for Machine Learning: Continuous Argument Engineering with Attributed Tests, Yutaka Matsuno, Fuyuki Ishikawa and Susumu Tokumoto

The Moral Machine: Is It Moral?, Alexandre Moreira Nascimento, Lucio Vismari, Anna Carolina Muller Queiroz, Paulo Cugnasca, Joao Camargo and Jorge Rady


Cofee break - Poster Sessions

Session 1: Standardisation and Certification


A Safety Standard Approach for Fully Autonomous Vehicles, Philip Koopman, Uma Ferrell, Frank Fratrik and Michael Wagner

A Self-Certifiable Architecture for Critical Systems Powered by Probabilistic Logic Artificial Intelligence, Jacques Robin, Raul Mazo, Henrique Madeira, Raul Barbosa, Daniel Diaz and Salvador Abreu

Session 2: Assuring AI-based Systems


Open Questions in Testing of Learned Computer Vision Functions for Automated Driving, Matthias Woehrle, Christoph Gladisch and Christian Heinzemann

Improving ML Safety with Partial Specifications, Rick Salay and Krzysztof Czarnecki


Lunch - Poster Sessions



Session 3: Uncertainty in AI-based Systems


Best paper award

Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification with Synthetic Data, Buu Phan, Samin Khan, Rick Salay and Krzysztof Czarnecki

Confidence Arguments for Evidence of Performance in Machine Learning, Simon Burton, Lydia Gauerhof, Bibhuti Bhusan Sethy, Ibrahim Habli and Richard Hawkins


Coffee break - Poster Sessions

Session 4: Safety of Autonomous Systems


RL-Based Method for Benchmarking the Adversarial Resilience and Robustness of
Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies
Vahid Behzadan and William Hsu


Key Challenges and Research Opportunities for Assuring AI-Based Systems

Plenary Discussion


Wrap-up - Best Paper Award



Organization Committee

  • Zakaria Chihani, CEA LIST, France 

  • Simos Gerasimou, University of York, UK

  • Andreas Theodorou, Umeå University, Sweden

  • Guillaume Charpiat, INRIA, France

Steering Committee

  • Rob Alexander, University of York, UK

  • Nozha Boujemaa, DATAIA Institute & INRIA, France

  • Virginia Dignum, Umea University, Sweden

  • Huascar Espinoza, CEA LIST, France

  • Philip Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

  • Stuart Russell, UC Berkeley, USA

  • Raja Chatila, ISIR - Sorbonne University, France 

Programme Committee

  • Vincent Aravantinos, Autonomous Intelligent Driving GmbH, Germany

  • Rob Ashmore, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, UK

  • Orlando Avila-García, Atos, Spain

  • Alec BanksDefence Science and Technology Laboratory, UK

  • Andrew Banks, LDRA, UK

  • Markus Borg, RISE SICS, Sweden

  • Joanna Bryson, University of Bath, UK

  • Simon Burton, Bosch, Germany

  • Mauricio Castillo-Effen, Lockheed Martin, USA

  • Jose Faria, Safe Perspective Ldt, UK

  • John Favaro, INTECS, Italy

  • Simon Fuerst, BMW, Germany

  • Mario Gleirscher, University of York, UK

  • Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS-CNRS, France

  • Carlos Hernández, TU Delft, Netherlands

  • José Hernández-Orallo, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

  • Nico Hochgeschwende, DLR, Germany

  • Edith Holland, Jaguar Land Rover, UK

  • Bernhard Kaiser, ANSYS, Germany

  • Guy Katz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Florent Kirchner, CEA LIST, France

  • Philip Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

  • Timo Latvala, Space Systems Finland, Finland

  • Loizos Michael, Open University Cyprus, Cyprus

  • Chokri Mraidha, CEA LIST, France

  • Jonas Nilsson, Nvidia, Sweden

  • Philippa Ryan, Adelard, UK

  • Mehrdad Saadatmand, RISE SICS, Sweden

  • Rick Salay, University of Waterloo, Canada

  • Erwin Schoitsch, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria

  • Hao Shen, Fortiss, Germany

  • François Terrier, CEA LIST, France

  • Mario Trapp, Fraunhofer ESK, Germany

  • Ilse Verdiesen, TU Delft, Netherlands

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